Ateliers & Saveurs Quebec city
Cooking classes MIDI EXPRESS

jeudi 08 mai 12:15 to 13:15 See more dates


30 min of cooking class + 30min of tasting = 1h of fun

Price includes a 30-minute cooking class and on-site tasting of your meal. Taxes, beverages and dessert not included, gratuity appreciated!

On-site access to our wine, beer and cocktail list!

42 $ / PERS
14 Available seats

You would like a private workshop? Ask us about our private classes and events: Groups and Companies
- All of our general public courses are offered in French. We offer courses in English only in a private setting.

Locate your course

Ateliers & Saveurs Quebec city

990, Route de L'Église, Local 220 - 2e étage, Québec, G1V 3V5
(418) 380-8167


Underground paid parking is available of our customers.

More dates

Store: Date: Hour: Availability
Ateliers & Saveurs Old Montreal vendredi 14 mars 2025 12:00 to 13:00 6 Available seats