Our concept

Created in 2008 Ateliers & saveurs is the first culinary school located in North America to offer cooking and cocktail classes as well as wine tasting in the same space.

Friendly and accessible, our workshops are given in Montreal and Quebec city by passionate professionals from the restaurant industry who will pass on their knowledge and how-to.

All of our open classes are participatory ! Come touch, cook, prepare, taste, discuss and share all while you have fun! Savor what you prepared on site and receive the recipes by email right after the class!


Our professionals...

Before you can pretend to teach others, it is important to know yourself.All the people involved in the Ateliers & Saveurs projects are professionals in the restaurant industry. The three founders each spent fifteen years behind a bar, in the kitchen or at the controls of great restaurants in Canada and abroad. Today is all this cumulated experience that they want to share with you.



As important as experience : passion Ateliers & Saveurs is born from the desire of the three founders to communicate and share, with the greatest number, their passion for good things. The notion of pleasure and the desire to have fun are therefore the driving threads of the company.

Notice to epicureans, lovers of life and the best it has to offer!


The pleasure is in our workshops