
Miss Mary Bobo's

A delicious cocktail with Jack Daniel's


Recipe for 1 cocktail

4 Unit(s)
0.50 Oz
1 Oz
Jack daniel's
2 Oz
White cranberry juice
0.50 Oz
Crème de cassis
1 Oz
Tonic water
  • Ice
  • In a shaker, put the blackberries pieces, pour the lemon juice, and the crès de cassis. Use a muddler to crush this mix. Pour the other ingredients out, EXEPT the Tonic, and fill your shaker up with ice cubes. Shake well for 8 to 10 seconds. Pour the totality of your shaker into an Old Fashioned glass. Complet your cocktail with the Tonic.

Cocktails glasses

Method of preparation

Add a nice blackberries brochette on the edge of your glass...

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