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Kefta d'agneau au ras-el-hanout, dattes grillées, yogourt à la menthe et concombre

ENTRÉES, Agneau, Légumes et Fruits

Perfect for the grill, these spicy little lamb balls will impress the gallery!
The sweet-salty mixture that comes from grilled dates is simply delicious ...

L'astuce du chef

The lamb can be replaced by any kind of minced meat.


Recette pour 4 personnes


350 Gr
Agneau haché
1 Unité(s)
Oeuf entier
1 Cuil. à soupe
Ras el hanout
15 Brin(s)
3 Gousse(s)


8 Unité(s)
2 Unité(s)
1 Unité(s)
4 Branche(s)


150 Ml
Crème sûre
1 Unité(s)
0.50 Unité(s)
10 Feuille(s)
2 Branche(s)
10 Goutte(s)
Pâte de piment (sriracha)
  • Huile d'olive
  • Sel et poivre
Kefta d'agneau au Ras-el-hanout, dattes grillées, yogourt à la menthe et concombre

Temps de préparation: 40 min

Préchauffez votre barbecue à 450 °F

  • Mise en place

    Chop the garlic and herbs for the tzatziki sauce. Cut dates and shallots in strips. Zest and squeeze the lemons. Grate the cucumber and make it disgorge with a pinch of salt, then squeeze it in a clean cloth to remove as much liquid as possible. Chop parsley and chives.

  • Kefta

    Gather the chopped lamb, garlic, chives, egg and raz-el-hanout in a bowl. Mix together and shape egg-shaped pellets. Grill the keftas for 12 to 15 minutes.

  • Dattes

    Place dates and shallots on a perforated plate, lightly oil the strips. Grill for 5 minutes, then mix with lemon juice, zest and parsley.

  • Tzatziki

    In a bowl, combine the sour cream with the herbs, lemon juice, sriracha and cucumber. Season with salt before serving.

The lamb can be replaced by any kind of minced meat.

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