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Berries, banana and honey smoothie |

Frozen drink prepared with raspberries, blueberries and strawberries as well as banana and honey prepared directly in your blender.


You can vary the frozen fruits to create a range of smoothies, each more exotic than others.


Recipe for 4 portions

For the smoothie

500 Ml
Frozen berries
1 Unit(s)
250 Ml
Orange juice
250 Ml
Plain yogurt 2%
15 Ml
16 Unit(s)
Berries, banana and honey smoothie |

Preparation time: 10 min

  • Smoothie preparation

    Skewer fresh blueberries on a small bamboo skewer. Place all ingredients in a blender and mix well for 2 minutes. Serve in nice glasses and garnish with skewered blueberries.

You can vary the frozen fruits to create a range of smoothies, each more exotic than others.

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