
Lemon macaroons |

Vegetarian, Gluten free, Sweet, Cream, Biscuit Dough, Fruits

A soft and brittle macaroon shell, garnished with a lemon cream inside.


To avoid having clumps of starch, combine it with the sugar before adding it to the sauce pot.  You can also give it a quick mix with a hand blender.


Recipe for 30 macaroons

Macaroons shells

120 Gr
Egg white
50 Gr
3 Gr
Yellow food coloring
110 Gr
Almond powder
225 Gr
Icing sugar
45 Gr
Cocoa powder

Lemon cream

135 Gr
30 Gr
3 Unit(s)
Egg yolk
1 Unit(s)
Lemon zests
90 Ml
Lemon juice
155 Ml
15 Gr
3 Leaf(ves)

Preparation time: 30 min

Preheat your Oven at 310 °F

  • Macaroons shells

    The day before, separate the whites from the yolks and keep the whites at room temperature in an airtight container. In the cutter, put the almond powder and the icing sugar, mix it for a minute and pass it through a sieve. In the bowl of a kitchen aid mixer begin whipping the egg whites with a pinch of salt. Whip them until they get fluffy and start detaching from the sides of the bowl. At this stage add in the sugar and continue whipping for a few minutes until it thickens and gets shiny. Combine the egg whites with the remaining dry ingredients by folding it with a spatula. Mix a little bit more rapidly in the end until you get a smooth, almost toothpaste like, texture. Fill a pastry bag lined with a small plain tip with this mixture. Pipe the mix into little discs on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Dry for 5 to 10 minutes and then bake for 12 to 15 minutes.

  • Clear lemon cream

    In a sauce pot, combine all of the ingredients except for the butter in the order indicated in the ingredients section.  Bring to a boil while continuously whisking.  Let it boil for at least 30 seconds.  Pass the cream through a fine mesh sieve and then incorporate the butter with your whisk.

    Set aside in the fridge covered in plastic wrap.

To avoid having clumps of starch, combine it with the sugar before adding it to the sauce pot.  You can also give it a quick mix with a hand blender.

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Old Montreal
95 $ / pers.


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Plateau Mont-Royal
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Saturday, May 24th 10:00 to 13:00
Plateau Mont-Royal
95 $ / pers.


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  • Salted Caramel Macaron |
  • Choco coco macarons |
  • Where to find the material for the manufacture of macaroons?
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95 $ / pers.
12 places disponibles

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