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Pan-seared foie gras, vanilla french toast, caramelized pears, mild spices maple syrup |


In a nice little ramequin, i will find a piece of brioche. Some caramelized apple quarters aside, a piece of panseared foie gras glazed with the spiced mapple syrup.




Recipe for 12 Tapas

For the foie gras

6 Piece(s)
Foie gras scallop
2 Pinch(es)
Sea salt flakes
4 Turn(s)
Fresh ground black pepper

For the french toast

6 Thick slice(s)
Brioche bread
100 Gr
150 Gr
250 Ml
2 Unit(s)

For the apples

3 Unit(s)
Golden delicious apple
75 Gr
50 Gr
1 Unit(s)
Lemon juice

For the caramel

125 Ml
Maple syrup
1 Unit(s)
Star anise
0.50 Stick(s)
5 Grape(s)
5 Turn(s)
Fresh ground black pepper
Pan-seared foie gras, vanilla French toast, caramelized pears, mild spices maple syrup |

Preparation time: 45 min

  • For the mise en place

    Remove the crust of the brioche, cut it in rectangles. Mix 100g of sugar with the eggs and the milk. Peel and cut the apples in 8 quarters, mix with the lemon juice.

    Bring the maple syrup to boil. Out of the stove, add the star anise, the cardamom crushed, the cinnamon and the pepper. Let it infuse.

  • For the foie gras

    Season the foie gras on each side. In a hot pan sear the foie gras on each side until a nice coloration, put it on paper towels, and just before serving put it in the oven for 3 minutes.

  • For the french toast

    Deep the brioche in the milk mix, and in a hot pan with butter and the rest of the sugar, sear it on both sides until a nice coloration and reserve it on a paper towel.

  • For the apples

    In a hot pan with butter and sugar, sear the apples until coloration and lightly soft.

  • For the platting

    In a small ramekin, place the brioche on the border. On the other side, place two pieces of apple, place the foie gras on the french toast and pour some maple syrup all around.

« Make your recipes while having fun with friends or colleagues. »

Class with similar recipe

Saturday, February 15th 18:00 to 21:00
Old Montreal
125 $ / pers.


Chic menu with pairing of our sommelier, 3 glasses of wine included

  • Lamb tenderloin, celery root mousseline, pearl onions, green peas and port sauce
  • Passion fruit cream, coconut crumble, tonka bean frothed milk |
  • Pan-seared foie gras, vanilla French toast, caramelized pears, mild spices maple syrup |
More information
14 / 14

125 $ / pers.
0 places disponibles

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