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Christmas time pudding chomeur with mapple syrup

Brunch, Vegetarian, Biscuit Dough

Classic & old fashioned yet amazing Quebec dessert recipe.


Primordial to have the right proportion of pudding and syrup for the final result not to be dry.


Recipe for 4


75 Gr
110 Gr
1 Unit(s)
125 Gr
1.50 Tsp
Baking powder
60 Ml
5 Ml
Maple syrup


700 Gr
Brown sugar
120 Ml
Maple syrup
300 Ml
125 Ml
35% cooking cream

Preparation time: 45 min

Preheat your Oven at 400 °F

  • Pudding Chomeur

    In a medium sauce pan, bring to a boil the brown sugar, the maple syrup, the water and the cream. Reserve.

    Flour and the baking powder together.

    Butter and sugar altogether in a kitchenaid until a ruban comes out. Then add the egg.

    With a rubber spatula fold in the flour mix and keep on mixing while incorporating the liquids.

  • Syrup

    Bring everything to a boil. Reserve.

  • Cooking

    Pour in a medium cooking mold the mixture and then slowly and gently the syrup all over. Off in the oven at 400F for 35-40mins, until a golden brown coloration is on top and crisp. Make sure the very center of the pudding is cooked (verify with a knife, it has to come out clean).

Primordial to have the right proportion of pudding and syrup for the final result not to be dry.

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