
Roasted cauliflower and chickpeas with spices, yogurt sauce, parsley, lime juice, parmesan |

Salted, Cheese, Vegetables and Fruits

A simple vegetarian dish that will delight you and your guests.


You can modify the texture of the sauce by adding cold water (moderately).


Recipe for 4 servings / 12 tapas


1 Large
1 Can(s)
Chick peas can (540ml)
1.50 Tbsp
Cumin powder
2 Tbsp
Garlic powder


500 Ml
Plain greek yogurt 0%
2 Clove(s)
8 Sprig(s)
1 Berries
Lemon juice
1 Unit(s)
Lemon zests
2 Dash
Olive oil


0.50 Unit(s)
Red onion
4 Tbsp
Grated parmesan
4 Dash
Olive oil
12 Leaf(ves)
1 Unit(s)
Lime zest(s)
  • Salt and pepper
  • Olive oil
Roasted cauliflower and chickpeas with spices, yogurt sauce, parsley, lime juice, parmesan |

Preparation time: 60 min

Preheat your Oven at 400 °F

  • Set up

    Cut the cauliflower into small florets.

    Drain the chickpeas, rinse well, drain again and dry in a cloth if necessary.

    Remove the leaves from the parsley, reserving some for finishing.

    Remove the lime zest, lemon zest and juice.

    Peel the red onion and finely chop for finishing.

  • Cooking cauliflower and chickpeas

    Gather cauliflower heads and chickpeas. Add spices, olive oil, salt and pepper.

    Mix well, place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

    Bake for 15 minutes, stir, then bake again for 10 minutes.

  • Sauce

    Dans un mixeur, rassemblez tous les ingrédients, mixez, assurez-vous d'un bon assaisonnement.

    Vous devez obtenir une sauce verdâtre.

  • Assembly and Finition

    Place a base of sauce in the bottom of the plate. Place the roasted cauliflower and chickpeas in the center.

    Garnish with a drizzle of olive oil and lime zest.

You can modify the texture of the sauce by adding cold water (moderately).

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